Successful Crisis Management Begins with Recognizing There Is One — Take the Survey

Of course the really smart guys see it coming and are ready to head it off at the pass before it hits. But for the moment, lets assume your crystal ball was misplaced in the attic, so you didn’t see the recession coming before it hit.

I’m taking an informal survey.
Are you or your company in a management crisis?
Just put your answer in the comment box (or comment on someone else’s answer).

Having trouble deciding if it really is a crisis or not?

Here is criteria you might want to consider:
Is there threat to your organization and its stakeholders?
Did events catch you by surprise?
Are you now faced with making decisions that you aren’t prepared to make?

Part B of the question is:
What are you doing about it?

Let me know, and I’ll let you know how your strategy stacks up against best practices — worst to best and why (1 – 5). I will rate your plan of action and tell you why.  You don’t have to agree with me.  Fair enough?

For the record, I have gotten my clients through 4 recessions so far, so ratings are based on a fair amount of experience. Be sure to include the major product/service of your business so I know if I am looking at a manufacturing firm that makes yoyos or a company that provides personalized service, etc.

Meanwhile, if you are up to confronting the real factors behind this current recession (or interested), give a listen to my next “Recession-Proof Your Business Webinar. You can register on the homepage of the site. Looking forward to your commentary.

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