Humans Need Not Apply

David C. Sanders
, C.M.C.
CEO & Senior Consultant

Track Record of Success

Google’s Self-Driving Cars are on the road in CA, FL, NV and MI

Welcome to the future.

IBM’s Watson beat the best humans at Jeopardy. Watson’s day job is the be the best doctor in the world.

Will Your Job be replace by a robot?
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My Upcoming Book Asks Hard Questions

A friend sent me a video I’d like to share with you. It will open your eyes and broaden your view. Remember I predicted that the next 5 years of technology would outstrip the past 50 years combined? Get a load of this!

Do you know anyone whose job has been replaced by technology? We’ve all seen fewer humans doing menial
 labor. Self-checkout sections are springing up at many stores, Computers are widely used for trading stocks and bonds. 
But get ready – self-driving cars are now cruising around Florida, California, Nevada and Michigan, logging over 700,000 accident-free miles. Watch this fascinating video:

What’s not affected? Medicine is being invaded by the bots. IBM’s Watson, the computer that beat the human competition at Jeopardy
, is aimed at being the best doctor in the world.
Even creative fields are being invaded. 

Will This Robot Invasion Replace You?

This may not be as easy to answer at you think. While there are skills that no robot will be able to replace, the number is far fewer than most people expect.

I wanted to open your eyes to what’s barreling down the pike in our direction. “Forewarned is forearmed.”

The world has a lot of moving parts. The challenge is figuring out how to create an ideal environment for all of us. This trend can help us do that if we play our cards right.

Tomorrow – Golden Age or Dark Age
All this is occurring in an age when we factually have all the technology needed to have a Golden Age on earth. Technology is not inherently good or evil. How it’s used depends upon the intention of those employing it. 
In my upcoming book,
Tomorrow – Golden Age or Dark Age, 
I cover these issues and a lot more. 
Let’s discuss how the future of technology may impact your business, 
Send me an email or give me a call at 
 David Sanders
CEO & Senior Consultant


David Sanders is a Certified Master Consultant and Expansion Consultant who cares about what happens to our world. He has extensive expertise with professional practices and entrepreneurs. He’s assisted clients with strategy, PR, marketing, market research and more for over 30 years. David provides hands-on consulting as well as online and offline marketing assistance. 

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