How to Get More Done — That Matters

For years I’ve run multiple companies plus a community service non-profit, continued personal enhancement non-stop and enjoyed a wonderful family — all at the same time. In this blog I’m going to reveal secrets I use to get more done.

Think Small and Your Brain Will Shrink

I focus on what I really want to do.

What do you feel is important? Whether in your company or the broader environment, efficiency requires a VISION of what YOU want to happen. In most cases, it’s a way of helping people. 

Usually I work at things I’d do for nothing — just because I love doing it or the results it creates. Helping people by

You‘ll Get More Done by Following YOUR Goal

consulting falls into this category. Occasionally, I take on a project that I don’t care that much about, in which case it has to pay really well, giving me the funds that I need to do other things in which I have an interest. In both ways, I can stay efficient.

Whether it’s a better skateboard or more reliable plumbing service, reducing corruption in politics or saving the elephants in Africa, acquiring a great new house or moving out from under the thumb of Mr. X, major progress in getting things done starts when something important to you comes into view.

So, what kinds of things are important to you?

Most people, as soon as they start to answer this question and before they can go into action, experience the assault of the thought gremlins: “It’s impossible,” “Why even try,” “What a stupid idea,” “You’ll never succeed,” and a bunch of other junk your mind (and perhaps “friends” in your environment) furnish you without even being asked. To get anything worthwhile done, you have to get past all this and get into action. Otherwise, efficiency is impossible or unimportant.

Organize for Production!

Once you’ve dialed in something worthwhile you want to do, now DO something, then organize to support your production.

I occasionally have clients who just want to organize and they never get around to producing anything or making any money. Then there are those who consider any organizing to be their enemy and try to only produce. These are both in error.

Efficient production is a 50/50 balance of production and organizing. One can reach a point where it’s up to 75% production, but that’s the exception or the result of skilled set-up and establishment.

Startup Organization

Startups have so little in place, that they sometimes require a LOT of organizing before any production takes place. The quality of that initial organizing can be so poor that it creates major problems for them later in their development. This is an extreme of inefficiency, but sometimes it can work out in the end.

The smart startup brings people aboard who have already been bitten by the flaws caused by improper organization, so can avoid these while not overspending on needless things.

This applies to any organization and is one of the benefits that a veteran consultant can provide. If you’ve never had anyone evaluate your or your team’s productivity, it’s a fascinating exercise.

One vitamin manufacturer experienced a 25% increase in production when we did this with their executives — without us ever going down onto the manufacturing floor!

Things jam up at the top first, so spending money at that level is usually far more productive of results compared to having an efficiency consultant down in the rank-and-file of the company.

There are dozens of tools to address this area. If you want to get more done, let me know and I can assist you in handling these key points and getting you moving faster on the road to achieving your dreams!

Try these suggestions and let me know how much more you get done!

Are You Ready to Get More Done?

Want to get more accomplished? I would be a good match to help you achieve more. I specialize in magic growth formulas and I want to sprinkle them on great people and their companies. Contact me this week and receive a free 1-hour intro consultation.
Send me an email now or give me a call at 727-304-5000

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