Some Very Good Advice to Heed About Now!

My friend Grant has written another gem I am sharing with my friends. Enjoy Success Despite Economy By Grant Cardone There are great advantages to periods of economic contraction and once you know the secrets of exploiting them you will expand and conquer while others shrink and submit.

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More on “No Cost Method to Recession Proof Your Business”

Here’s a story from a guy who read my recent article about “protecting your attitude.”  (No Cost Method to Recession Proof Your Business – Feb 2).  Needless to say, Dan is pointing out that this applies whether there is a recession economy or not.  Dan is owner of his own…

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Hot New Webinar is Casting for survivors in the Turbulent Sea

If you feel like you could use a life ring thrown your way for your sinking business, check this recommendation from someone who just sat in on the Recession Proof Your Business Webinar that I have put together to help out my friends. Dear Dave, Thank you so much for…

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Time Management Techniques Can Increase Production – Steps Guaranteed to Cure or Kill – Part 2

If you are following this system (see last post) you have already taken these steps. 1. Stacked all your unhandled communications, large and small, gathered from drawers, trunks of cars, bedroom bureaus, closets, etc., on your desk, or as nearly as possible in the vicinity of your desk. 2. Then…

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