Are You Preventing Your Own Success?

Examining some past clients, I’ve observed that some just needed to get unstuck from their current snarls, and they were off like a rocket. Maybe you’re one of those lucky folks. Most people subvert their own success. They try and try, almost make it, push even harder but somehow never get the brass ring. If this describes you, I know how maddening it can be. Whether you are an easy case or not, recognize you might just be the biggest barrier to your own success.

You Mean Success Can Be Prevented by Oneself?

A key barrier is purpose. I had a client in Los Angeles once who longed to be an artist but was being an accountant “to make money.” She was miserable and failing as an accountant. She had no money to pay for help, either. I got her to do the 9 steps of the Administrative Scale of Importances and made her start creating 4 paintings a week in her spare time — I got her productive along her own purpose line.

My pay was that I got to pick for myself one out of each 7 paintings she did. I think I got 3 paintings before she “got discovered” in Australia.

Her career took off like a shot. That was 30 years ago, and she’s lived her life happily as an artist, brightening the lives of thousands with her wonderful art. Before she got effective help to unsnarl the situation, she suffered for years.

Recently a B2B company really needed warm leads and wanted to do webinars to generate some (good choice). Of

course, to do this, they needed to select webinar software, and they had compiled a precise definition of what it needed to do for them (very smart) and 11 pages of research covering almost every vendor in the marketplace (very thorough). I looked at the research and suggested a newer entry,, as a quality vendor I’ve used for years that was 1/4 the price of the one they had favored, but did just as many of their desired ideal scene points. I recommended a one-month contract at a cost of $54 to verify it was a good choice before committing. Do it and get the webinars making money!

Instead they repeatedly went back into further research of webinar software. They never started doing webinars, while even more urgently needing warm leads.


Anything is easy — as long as you don’t have to do it!

An owner or executive can badly mis-estimate what it takes at staff level to complete something. Since he or she typically knows exactly where everything is filed and how to do all the actions required, the they can overlook the fact that staff may not. Staff can wear themselves out getting few products, which brings their morale to low levels and crashes company viability. Bummer.


Are you biting off more than you can chew? 

As just one example, learning a new (to you or your staff members) software program adequately to get the needed result may triple or even 10x the time needed to get a product. If this is not recognized, one can easily overload a junior (or oneself), resulting in few products. Plus, a badly overloaded post is no fun and may result in its occupant leaving. That instantly overloads the person who inherits all that incomplete or badly-done work, and it can become a dwindling spiral that utterly crashes the business.

Frequently it’s hard for those inside the organization to change its bad habits and ingrained patterns that prevent or reduce its success. Is there a solution? Fortunately, there is.

How important is it to get moving NOW? Setting aside politics for a moment, I had predicted that having a businessman in the White House would be good for business. Unemployment is the lowest in decades, taxes and regulation have been reduced, especially for businesses. Investment is pouring into the US. Right now is the best opportunity in decades to make your business boom.

If your business can’t get out of its own way on the road to success, OMG.
It CAN be fixed. Success is being achieved by many right now!

I’m offering a complimentary 1-hour in- person or Zoom (video conference) consultation to help you evaluate your business and guide you in achieving your goals for your business and life. That could be all it takes.
Send me an email now or give me a call at 727-304-5000 !
Put the Zing in Your 2018!


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