Recessionary Wisdom You Can Take to the Bank


This is the first communication in a series to help you start creating a fantastic 2009 for yourself and your firm.  This series of email communications will take you through the most important drill or action steps of what was included in an excellent “New Year’s Resolutions & Admin Scale Workshop” that our Senior Consultant, Mike Smith, has been conducting in San Jose the last several years.

I was planning to write up something regarding how you don’t need to “agree” with what is being promoted by the “bad news media”, but received the following written by Grant Cardone, an extremely successful entrepreneur, author and friend, and Grant says it so well I am just relaying it on to you.  At the end we have added a short drill you can do to free you up from any false data you may have picked up in the past few months.

Recessions Are For Economies, Not Individuals…
The television, the radio and the economist continue to report how much is wrong with the American Economy and then viewers and listeners go into agreement with the reports and make the bad news reported become reality for themselves. I have been through about nine of these so called pullbacks over my life-time and have survived every one of them! Here is some data you need:

Recession is defined as a temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in production over two successive quarters.

If you don’t personally have a temporary decline or fall in production it means you would not have a recession. RECESSIONS ARE FOR ECONOMIES NOT FOR INDIVIDUALS.

A recession does not mean every individual need participate or that YOU personally have to be impacted. I personally have no intention of being involved in this reported bad news and I refuse to participate with any and all economic declines, pullbacks or shrinkage of any sort. You don’t have to participate either if you don’t choose to!  But in order not to participate you must act differently from the masses of people and do whatever is necessary not to have a decline or fall in your production.

Just remember, what happens to “all people” or even “most people” does not mean it has to happen to you. Just because John and Bob get in a fight at the local bar on Friday night does not mean you have to wake up with a black eye on Saturday morning.

Here is a trick I use to insure I don’t participate with pull backs! Look around at what most people are doing and don’t do what they do. Those that are affected by recessions actually make it happen to themselves because their actions support that which they hear reported by the media. Disagree with the bad news and know that only your actions not the media can affect you! Then do everything each DAY to make sure you don’t participate in the BS news. This is what I do:

1) Focus on exact actions I take daily to expand.

2) Do everything possible to keep my attitude positive daily.

3) Push as hard as possible to get results day to prove the media wrong!

4) Increase my personal training daily.

Don’t shrink now, expand! Don’t spend less money now, spend more! Don’t start putting in budgets now, invest money and expand! Don’t agree with bad news, disagree by your actions!

Now is a great opportunity for the strong to get stronger while the weak and undisciplined disappear.

Remember Recessions are for Economies not for Individuals.

False data can be an insidious damaging factor when one is trying to think, study, plan or act to sort out one’s scene or carry out life activities. I personally have seen people quite literally frozen because of what they believe to be THEIR condition when some sort of economic “recession” is being promoted by the media.

Several years ago, while working (and flourishing) as a “headhunter” (personnel placement specialist), Mr. Smith saw people who would not even read the newspaper full of want ads from companies begging for new employees.  These people, out of work or stuck in a bad job, had decided that “nobody is hiring” (a false datum) while others who didn’t “buy into” the recession agreements plucked the great jobs.

The drill you can do is, after reading the true data above, to just look over your own thoughts and considerations about the “recession” and spot any false data you have “bought into,” and possibly where that false data may have come from (media, other people, your own decision, etc.)  By doing so, this should free you up for postulating (making causative decisions) and strategizing a great 2009!

Note also that you may run into other people you work with in business or life (friends, family, customers, clients, vendors, etc.) who have been crippled by their own false data, and you may need to assist them with this data.

NEXT UP:  A Drill for ending cycle on 2008 to give you a clean slate for postulating a fabulous 2009.  Watch for it.

Mike Smith
“Expect Miracles”


David Sanders



“Think BIG! Make it happen!”

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